Our Children Have Been Poisoned and Their Illnesses Induced Through the
Use of Medications Never Intended for Children


Recently, you may have heard of an anti-reflux medication being taken off the market because of  80 reported deaths and 341 reports of heart rhythm abnormalities. The medication is called Propulsid the generic name is cisapride. If your child was EVER on this medication we need you to contact us and provide us the following information as soon as possible!

 We need you to send by fax at 662-562-6669 or by mail any documentation that would:

1.      show your child was on this medication

2.      that you were accused of Munchausen by Proxy

3.      any documentation that your child experienced cardiac (arrhythmia, bradycardia, tachycardia, etc.) or breathing problems (asthma, apnea, etc.), seizures or any other adverse reaction . If your child already had these symptoms prior to being given this medication, please check if these conditions worsened.

Please Note: Although it has been previously widely reported to not have the neurological side effects of metoclopramide because it did not cross the brain barrier (which does not fully develop until the age of 18 months), Propuslid DOES cause the same side effects of metoclopramide which are listed below.

An antipsychotic medication developed first as a treatment for schizophrenia, is being used in children as a treatment for nausea and gastroesophogeal reflux.  This medication can cause a puzzling array of symptoms which can lead to a misdiagnosis of autism, apnea, ADHD, cerebral palsy, tourettes, parkinsonism, seizures or MSBP.

The name of this medication is Reglan or the generic name is metoclopramide, the labeling was changed around 1984 to include treatment of gastroesophageal reflux. The package insert cautions against use in children or using for more than 4-12 weeks because of the increased likelihood of the common and well documented side effects such as: 

Tics - Repetitive. irregular stereotype movements or vocalizations 

Dystonia- Slow sustained, posturing or contractions of a muscle or group of muscles. Also rarely, dystonic reactions may present as stridor and dyspnea, possibly due to laryngospasm. ** Acute Dystonic reactions have occurred even after a single dosage resulting in reports of apnea and sudden death in infants and neonates.

Akathisia- Subjective sensation of restlessness often associated with inability to keep still. Easily confused with psychiatric symptoms such as agitation, hyperactivity and anxiety.

Chorea- Irregular, unpredictable brief jerky movements 

Tardive dyskinesia - a syndrome of potentially irreversible hyperkinetic involuntary movements characterized by a mix of orofacial dyskinesia, tics, chorea and/or athetosis (a neuromuscular condition characterized by slow, writhing, continuous, and involuntary movement of the extremities, as seen in some forms of cerebral palsy). Orofacial dyskinesia is the most characteristic feature of TD. It is slow in onset, which may begin as mild tongue movements, followed by exaggerated movements of the tongue and lips. Bulging of the cheeks, chewing movements, blinking, contraction of the eyelids, grimacing and arching of the eyebrows also occur. Movements of the extremities and trunk are also noted in some patients. Truncal involvement may produce rocking and swaying and rotational pelvic movements. There is no known treatment for established cases of tardive dyskinesia although the syndrome may remit, partially or completely, within several weeks-to-months after metoclopramide is withdrawn. 

A rare side effect with a 20-60% mortality rate, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome can occur within in the first few weeks of treatment and is characterized with a high fever, autonomic instability (sweating, rapid heart-rate, etc.) altered consciousness and rigidity. Complications include, aspiration pneumonia, sepsis, renal failure, seizures, cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema and respiratory failure.

 If your child was EVER on this medication. Please mail or fax documentation: 

1.      to show your child was on this medication (include how long your child was treated with metoclopramide)

2.      of any symptoms of the above adverse reactions

3.      documentation that you were accused of Munchausen by Proxy.


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